Monday, September 22, 2008

One Proud Momma!!!

I have 2 boys that play competitive football.
Noah eats, sleeps, lives, dreams, loves FOOTBALL!!!
Tonight my Noah got his first ever TOUCHDOWN!!!
All day today he spoke it over and over again, "Tonight I'm getting my first touchdown!"
And HE DID!!! I am soooo proud!!! There is something way cool about your boy running that small brown ball many yards down a grassy field with 11 boys chasing him trying to pin him to the ground and seeing him cross into the end zone, and then hearing the announcer say "Touchdown Chiefs! That was # 23, Noah Erwin!!!" I am thrilled for my big boy!!!

Just a touch of history, Noah LOVES football, but he is not naturally gifted at football. He has worked, and worked and worked for these 6 years to get to where he is now. That is why I am so proud. He finally wanted it bad enough and had worked hard enough to earn it!!!

As for Jonah, it was big night for him in the football world too. He is a HARD hitter! And he is focused, and he took out the opponents quarterback with a HARD HIT! It was such a good hit that I got to hear the announcer say, "What an awesome hit made by #19, Jonah Erwin!"
Jonah is the one with the natural football talent, but he was ON tonight like I have never seen him in a game!

Tonight, I will sleep with a smile! (And so will they!)
If you see my boys, please take a moment to congratulate them and let them know their Momma was proud and bragging on them.